
Monday, 2 September 2013

Hey y'all. I suppose we are enjoying the strike. No? Sick of It? Me too. We can only pray ( I'm not planning to protest). I came across this useful application on Googleplay ( I don't know if it's available on blackberry app store, I'll ask ) it's called Verbum. It's an app that allows you access Daily Mass Readings ( yes, your own mobile missal ), Catholic Bibles (notice the s) and several books on our faith. It is definitely a keeper. secondly, I came across a very very useful website. It is apt on teachings of the church, it's the Year of Faith so it's a plus, I take that back, it's a Bonus because it's free of course ( I like awoof). The website address is Please check them out, but from time to time I would post necessary topics here for reference.